Mike's Blog Roundup

The Strange Death of Liberal America: Suicide: The silent killer of America's Iraq war troops Once Upon a Time: Come September...come January...co

The Strange Death of Liberal America: Suicide: The silent killer of America's Iraq war troops

Once Upon a Time: Come September...come January...come May...come September...

Slate Magazine: What the heck is vote caging, and why does nobody care? (via Suburban Guerrilla)

The Needs of the Few: Apparently oral sex can either kill you or win elections

The Satirical Political Report: Gonzo endorses 'habeas coughus' by sending the 'TB lawyer' to represent Gitmo detainees

ANNALS OF JOURALISM: Daily Howler has been saying it for years; These childish people live on script...Coup co-conspirators cast as free-speech martyrs...Wall Street Journal discovers income inequality...Pageantlike presidential election coverage from a media which ignores poverty, while attacking Edwards for mentioning it...According to Joe Klein, the world was not serious before 2001...How much is BU$HCO paying Ted Koppel?...Three DC journalists on the state of investigative reporting...The MSM has been treating Ron Paul like a Democrat...Truth, fiction, and Lou Dobbs...The Tribune Co. continues to drive the L.A. Times into the ground...The News Hounds watch FOX News so you don't have to...A record 12 journalists slain in Iraq in the past month...Responding to NY Times Reporter Michael Powell...Help take back Sunday talk, be a Weekend Watchdog

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