Mike's Blog Roundup

The Belgravia Dispatch: Large swaths of the Middle East and South Asia are in turmoil. What follows are (somewhat random) dispatches meant to give a s

The Belgravia Dispatch: Large swaths of the Middle East and South Asia are in turmoil. What follows are (somewhat random) dispatches meant to give a sense of the depth of the multiple crises that are contributing to a destabilization of the wider region.

Amygdala: How did the U.S. come to adopt interrogation techniques copied from the Soviet Union?  And speaking of Russia...

Empire Burlesque: Holy Terror

The Pump Handle: When a man with extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) is told not to board a plane and then does so anyway, you have to expect the public health bloggers to come out in force.

King of Zembla: Rants worth reading...

Angry Bear: Comparing how the various Presidents did according to measures like real growth rates, abortions, national debt, etc. So far, the series show Democrats doing better than Republicans. (A not complete list can be found here.)  Here's an update...

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