GOP Debate III: Iran, Preemptive War And Nukes

The third GOP debate is underway and the subject quickly moved to Iran and nuclear weapons. Candidate Duncan Hunter stated that he believes the the U

GOP3-Debate-Nukes The third GOP debate is underway and the subject quickly moved to Iran and nuclear weapons. Candidate Duncan Hunter stated that he believes the the U.S. has the right to preemptively strike Iran to prevent them from developing nuclear weapons, using nuclear weapons, if necessary. While Rudy Giuliani thought conventional weapons would do the trick, he wouldn't take any options off the table. Rudy then jumps off into fantasy land, claiming Iran can deliver a nuclear missile even though the studies from UN inspectors who have actually been in Iran have said that Iran is years away from having that capability. Then he bizarrely accuses the Democrats of living in the Cold War era of the 1990s. (Earth to Rudy: hard to give Reagan credit for ending the Cold War if we were still living it in the 90's) Closing strong, Giuliani then attempts to link it all to the alleged "terror plots" at Fort Dix and JFK (see Keith Olbermann's commentary for how valid the threats were) proclaiming it's a real war, not a bumper sticker.

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