He Cannot Tell A Lie
It may be satire, but it's also poignant. Breaking a 211-year media silence, retired Army Gen. George Washington appeared on NBC's Meet the Press Su
Breaking a 211-year media silence, retired Army Gen. George Washington appeared on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday to speak out against many aspects of the way the Iraq war has been waged. [...]
White House response to the former general's criticism was swift and sharp. Spokesman Tony Fratto dismissed Washington as "increasingly irrelevant" and "a relic" who "made some embarrassing gaffes" during his own military career. [...]
"I don't care who you are -- or if you cannot tell a lie -- it's un-American to question the president in a time of war," Sean Hannity said on his radio program Monday. "Plus, I find it very interesting that a man who owned slaves and sold hemp thinks he's entitled to give our Commander in Chief lessons on how to run a war."
The Onion even managed to get a good (made up) quote from our friends at VoteVets.org in there. Take a look.