Blue Gal's Blog Round Up
The Orstrahyun: Not making this up...The Australian government proposes allowing the gambling industry to build elder "care" facilities adjacent to ca
The Orstrahyun: Not making this up...The Australian government proposes allowing the gambling industry to build elder "care" facilities adjacent to casinos. Win-win for everyone but the elderly. Next up: poker machines that take Social Security checks.
Politits: But don't CEO's deserve 400 times the average workers' pay? They're worth it, right?
CJSD: Why was Bush greeted so enthusiastically by the Albanians?
YouTube of the day: What the hell are neocon groups like Project for the New American Century and The Heritage Foundation doing funding something called "Institute for Religion and Democracy"? Hint: it has to do with reversing any dividend from churches doing peace stuff. More here.
Smith Magazine: Amazing online webcomic of Katrina and its aftermath.
Guest round-up by Blue Gal.