The Gavel: Testimony From Doan Misconduct Hearing

Via The Gavel: The Oversight and Government Reform Committee is currently holding a hearing, “Continuing Allegations of Misconduct at General Serv

Via The Gavel:

The Oversight and Government Reform Committee is currently holding a hearing, “Continuing Allegations of Misconduct at General Services Administration.” The hearing will examine statements made by GSA Administrator Lurita Doan that impugn the reputation of federal officials who cooperated with a Committee investigation into Ms. Doan’s conduct at the General Services Administration.

Chairman Waxman: “Ms. Doan didn’t just disparage the employees [who gave information about her statements to the Committee], under oath she told the Special Counsel, and again I quote, ‘until extensive rehabilitation of their performance occurs, they will not be getting promoted, they will not be getting bonuses or special awards or anything of that nature.’ Apparently Ms. Doan’s position is that it is fine for her to retaliate against her employees by denying them promotions, bonuses and awards so long as she does so in secret and no one knows about it.”

Watching Doan weasel and spin her way around her own words was comical. Especially when playing the race card. Was Mrs. Doan told to withhold information from Congress? Howie has more...

More videos from below the fold. You can see all of them here.

Chairman Waxman responds to Republican accusations that the investigation, which was initiated by a Republican inspector general and has been reinforced by the White House’s Official of Special Counsel, is nonetheless a partisan witch hunt:

Chairman Waxman: “Now the problem with these people that were criticized by Ms. Doan were that they testified before this committee and that got her wrath. But as I pointed out those people as well were Republicans, some of them were Republican appointees at the GSA.”

Rep. William Lacy Clay questions Doan on whether she was accusing her employees of lying to investigators:

Rep. Clay: “Later in your interview [with OSC] you explain why you don’t believe the testimony of the other GSA officials, according to the transcript you stated that the witnesses were not crdible because ‘they have an axe to grind,’ that’s on page 391. They have an axe to grind so therefore they are not telling the truth, that’s what you meant isn’t it?”

Doan: “No, that is not what I meant. We’re still in the period of subjection… conjection… conjecture…”

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