Gitmo Detainee Fights Extradition
Just when I think that things can't get more surreal... WaPo: Abdul Ra'ouf Omar Mohammed Abu al-Qassim has been held at the U.S. detention facility
Just when I think that things can't get more surreal...
Abdul Ra'ouf Omar Mohammed Abu al-Qassim has been held at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for more than five years, and he longs to leave it. But the one place the U.S. government is willing to send the "enemy combatant" -- his native Libya is the country Qassim fears most.
Having exhausted all possible legal remedies in U.S. courts -- including a petition to the Supreme Court in April -- Qassim is facing possibly imminent transfer to Libya, a country that the State Department deems a regular abuser and torturer of its captives. Qassim, accused by U.S. officials of being part of a terrorist group that aims to overthrow Libya's leader, expects that returning there means torture and perhaps death. Read on...