GOP Congressman Proud Of Earmarks
Oops, someone has missed a page in the Republic playbook. As President Bush and other GOPers criticize Democrats for earmarks in various bills, R
During a House debate on earmarks, Rep. Don Young (R-AK) spoke on the House floor about his earmark, including the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere" and the recent disclosure of a Florida highway, which the New York Times called an "obvious" tradeoff for campaign contributions:
"I was always proud of my earmarks. I believe in earmarks, always have, as long as they are exposed. But don't you ever call that a scandal," he said.
Young may not think he's enmeshed in scandal, but he is:[..]
Young has close ties to former lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who is in jail and cooperating with federal prosecutors before facing sentencing on another charge. In April, Mark Zachares, a former Young staffer and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands employee, pleaded guilty to a list of charges stemming from his involvement in the Abramoff scandal