NY Times Notes US Attorney's Partisanship
Blue Jersey: The New York Times today noted that Chris Christie's tirade against Democratic leaders was partisan in nature: And in an unusual and
The New York Times today noted that Chris Christie's tirade against Democratic leaders was partisan in nature:
And in an unusual and oddly partisan attack, the United States attorney for New Jersey, Christopher J. Christie, who was Mr. Rabner's boss for a number of years, sharply criticized legislators and Mr. Corzine for not adequately defending Mr. Rabner.
We noted the same earlier this week:
And Christie didn't stop at just slamming the Governor and Senate President. After attacking Corzine and Codey for not speaking up on Christie's timetable for a nominee they have praised and supported many times, "Christie called on the people of the state to '...let the leadership in Trenton know that you're appalled'". That's not a US Attorney talking. US Attorney's don't rally the public to make political calls to the opposing party's offices and elected officials in support of a nominations. In fact, US Attorney's are supposed to be non-partisan. They aren't supposed to talk like that at all.
Candidates talk like that.