Mike's Blog Round Up

Whiskey Fire: Liberal hawks, and why it's "perfectly right to judge people writing on foreign policy primarily on their stances towards real world iss

Whiskey Fire: Liberal hawks, and why it's "perfectly right to judge people writing on foreign policy primarily on their stances towards real world issues."

Sadly, No!: Conservapedia is offering prizes such as "The Moses Award" and "The Gipper Award" for what they consider good new articles. Sadly, No! helpfully suggests a few more.

Drinking Liberally in New Milford: An update on a story Rush Limbaugh won't be covering any time soon. Any takers in the MSM?

The Commission: Bush cultists or diehard sports fans?

Abu Ghraib Watch: Sy Hersh's latest feature raises new questions. What were the interagency tensions? What's still on the table? Most importantly, what did Bush and Rumsfeld know, and when did they know it?

Guest round up by Batocchio (batocchio9 AT yahoo DOT com).

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