Rep. Patrick McHenry: Earmark Crusader: Updated

On the House floor, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) chided his fellow congresspeople for their wasteful ways...  [media id=1648] [media id=1649] So you

On the House floor, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) chided his fellow congresspeople for their wasteful ways...

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So you be the judge on the "worthiness" of this project that McHenry pushed for:

SF Gate:

The House Appropriations Committee on Thursday approved $153 million in pet projects, rewarding both powerful and not-so-powerful lawmakers alike with 377 cherished "earmarks" for their home districts.[..]

Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., won $129,000 for the Home of the Perfect Christmas Tree Project, an economic development initiative in economically distressed Mitchell County. The money would double retail space available for a gift shop selling products - typically made by former factory workers whose plants have been shuttered - such as Christmas tree ornaments, handmade soaps and pottery.

McHenry is a vocal conservative and burr in the side of Democrats running the House. He's not popular with some Republicans; a senior GOP member of the Appropriations Committee pointed McHenry's earmark out to reporters, calling it "interesting."

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