C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Beverly Sills

(guest blogged by Howie Klein) Beverly Sills became famous, one of the most celebrated opera divas in the world, after she had done her best work (wi

(guest blogged by Howie Klein)

Beverly Sills became famous, one of the most celebrated opera divas in the world, after she had done her best work (with the less than prestigious New York City Opera). A coloratura soprano-- the lightest of the sopranos, it amazed everyone that she was able to pull off difficult roles like Aida and Cleopatra in Handel's Guilio Cesare, but it was her dazzling performance of Cleopatra that broke her career wide open. LNMC afficianados will surely remember Bubbles either from Lisa's mention of her in Season 8 of The Simpsons or for her stunning singing of "Da Tempeste il Legno Infranto." But... just in case, we have it-- the song, not the episode-- for you below.

Beverly died yesterday at 78 years old. Down With Tyranny has the ultimate obituary.

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