House Introducing A Bill For "Responsible Redeployment"
With the news that the Iraqi government has failed to meet any of the benchmarks set for them (see the National Security Network's press release on fa
With the news that the Iraqi government has failed to meet any of the benchmarks set for them (see the National Security Network's press release on failed benchmarks smacking down any White House spin), the Democratic majority is on record of trying to act as poll after poll shows the American people want them to do: get the troops out of Iraq.
The House Democratic leadership tonight announced that the House will vote later this week on a bill to change course in Iraq. The legislation, sponsored by Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton, would begin the responsible redeployment of U.S. troops within 120 days and complete redeployment by April 1, 2008. The President would have to report to Congress why troops should remain in Iraq for limited purposes such as to fight terrorism or to train Iraqi forces.
Speaker Pelosi:
The American people have rejected the President's failed policies in Iraq and his war without end. The situation on the ground in Iraq is worsening, and the Iraqi government has failed to meet the benchmarks set in law. This week, every Member of the House will have an opportunity to vote to set a new direction in Iraq. The American people want Congress to bring our troops home, refocus our efforts to fighting terrorism, and hold the Bush Administration accountable.