GOP Pundit Outed In DC Madam Scandal

 Remember June 16th, 2006? That's when Burkman got exposed by a couple of girls on MySpace and posted Crooksandliars graphics of Jack to check him

jackburkman.jpg Remember June 16th, 2006? That's when Burkman got exposed by a couple of girls on MySpace and posted Crooksandliars graphics of Jack to check him out. Her site is set to private now, but Wonkette still has some info...They called him a "CREEEEP"

Via Citizens for Legitimate Government:

The phone number for GOP political operative/conservative pundit, John (Jack) M. Burkman Jr. - Principal J.M. Burkman & Associates, Arlington, VA - appears in the database of phone records of the 'DC Madam.' From the phone logs: 2006-01-15 18:44 1.00

This is the same Jack Burkman who echoed Ann Coulter's disgusting hate rant about the 9/11 widows on Scarborough Country last year.

More information and video at Media Matters:

Summary: On MSNBC's Scarborough Country, Republican strategist Jack Burkman, echoing right-wing pundit Ann Coulter, whom he was defending, declared that "within hours of those [World Trade Center] towers going down," the wives of victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks "were ready to make money and exploit this tragedy!"

(h/t Jamie)

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