Mitt Romney's Sex Education Flip

I watched this ridiculous segment on Hardball Thursday, where guest host Mike Barnicle discusses with Barack Obama campaign advisor, Rev. John Hunter

I watched this ridiculous segment on Hardball Thursday, where guest host Mike Barnicle discusses with Barack Obama campaign advisor, Rev. John Hunter and Mitt Romney advisor Barbara Comstock the strange Romney smear against Obama's statement that children should receive age-appropriate sex education.

Clearly, it's not really that arguable a stance nor particularly controversial, because watch how Comstock twists it to then go into a tangent about teaching five year olds about partial birth abortions, masturbation and homosexuality. Listen to how many Republican buzzwords Comstock can regurgitate in three minutes.

The only problem is, as Barnicle points out, the Romney camp (who actually put up this YouTube clip) has a little flip-flopping problem on this:

Mitt Romney backed age appropriate sex education in 2002.

Former Gov. Mitt Romney attacked Sen. Barack Obama yesterday for purportedly wanting sex education in kindergarten.

It turns out, Romney himself once indicated support for the same sort of sex-ed approach - "age-appropriate" - that Obama backs.

In a Planned Parenthood questionnaire he filled out during his 2002 gubernatorial run, Romney checked ‘yes' to a question asking, "Do you support the teaching of responsible, age-appropriate, factually accurate health and sexuality education, including information about both abstinence and contraception, in public schools?"

UPDATE: You may want to rethink your political slogans, Mitt.

UPDATE #2: Rick Perlstein gives some historical background...

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