Mike's Blog Round Up
I was going to write something profound and challenging, but then I had to polish the Louis Quinze taps in the wet bar so I didn't have time. So, here
I was going to write something profound and challenging, but then I had to polish the Louis Quinze taps in the wet bar so I didn't have time. So, herewith a random walk through the links that you, alert readers, were kind enough to throw over the transom of The Department of Undiscovered Blogs in The Mighty Corrente Building.
Watching Those We Choose asks an excellent question: "Where Is The Democratic Video Explaining Why Reid Pulled The Defense Authorization Bill?" Harry? (Of course, I never watch videos. For obvious reasons.)
And Justice for The Poor asks a second: "Who was Blair taking orders from? Bush, Murdoch, or both?" ("No details were given of what subjects Mr Blair and the News Corporation chairman discussed in the calls on March 11, 13 and 19 2003, ahead of the launch of US-led military action in Iraq on March 20.")
And speaking of the greatest strategic disaster in American history, we're finally going to give 14th Century tactics a chance. Excellent!
Yet more excellently, the right people are still being profiled, the right people are still making money, and, in the national laboratory of bad government, the right people are still being sold down the river.
Mercifully, however, the Harry Potter parodies are here. Ernest Hemingway: "Voldemort appeared. Harry shot him. He had a butterbeer"; Harry Potter and the Black Leather ____ (R-rated).
In closing, new words for the day: chyron; testikelausschnitt.
Guest Bloggery: So, check out the wet bar of The Mighty Corrente Building, and tell the bartender the guy under the stairs sent you. (You, Mike, and the C&L posse especially. Try the Frothing Wingnut.) And whatever you do, don't try to take any peanuts away from the monkey-faced guy with the earbud and the bad case of the mumbles that nobody wants to sit near.
Final question: What are your favorite badges and widgets? Right now, Corrente uses One Web Day, This Blog Is Anti-Torture*, Creative Commons, Technorati, and Sitemeter. What do you use? Comment at the link above, or send answers, tips, bouquets, brickbats to lambert_strether1 AT yahoo DOT com.
* I'd lost the link, and used only the art. Then I found the art and the link here, and I notice the domain "may be for sale by its owner." Sigh. Too bad there's so much money in being pro-torture, and none at all being anti, eh?