Can We Put Tony Snow Under Oath, Too?
...maybe that way we can finally get a straight answer out of the guy. Today on "The Situation Room" FOX News pundit Press Secretary Tony Snow tried
FOX News pundit Press Secretary Tony Snow tried to explain away the Senate Democrats' call for a Special Prosecutor to investigate Alberto Gonzalez's deliberately misleading lies accidental misstatements under oath.
According to Snow, the administration has been more than cooperative when it comes to the Senate inquiry into the politically-motivated firing perfectly benign dismissal of the US Attorneys. Can someone remind Tony Snow that the White House refuses to let Harriet Miers and Karl Rove testify under oath? Or that they refuse to produce the 5 MILLION+ emails directly relating to the scandal that mysteriously "vanished"? Or... oh, never mind.
John Amato: Tony Snow accused the Democrats of possibly committing treason. He said they might try to play the gotcha game and expose classified secrets to the media if his peeps actually agreed to testify.
Snow: Suppose behind closed doors, where Karl Rove or anybody else would be under a legal obligation to tell the truth, they found something that gave them pause. They could public with it.
And if you listen closely----(am I hearing things?) does he suggest that there's another secret spying program going on. TSP or NSA? Are they one in the same? (transcript below the fold)
BLITZER: Now here's the other problem the attorney general has. A stunning development today. The FBI director, Robert Mueller, also contradicting what Alberto Gonzales says.
SNOW: Well, a classic example of what I'm talking about, Wolf.
If you go back and you look at the transcript, you've got a member of Congress talking about the terrorist surveillance program.
Go back and look at the transcript.
Does Bob Mueller once use the phrase "terrorist surveillance program?"
I'll save you the wait. The answer is no. He talks about an NSA program. It's exactly what I'm talking about, which is that members of Congress are trying to create controversies about highly classified matters, some of which cannot, should not and must not be discussed publicly. And it forces people to give very careful answers that could very easily be twisted by folk on the other side of the aisle.