Mike's Blog Round Up

From Cheney's heart to Bush's backside and Hillary's cleavage, the DC political anatomy watch reaches a new low. A new PBS Now segment shows that "vo

From Cheney's heart to Bush's backside and Hillary's cleavage, the DC political anatomy watch reaches a new low.

A new PBS Now segment shows that "vote caging" wasn't just Goodling-speak for a direct mail technique, but was central to GOP voter suppression strategy in key 2004 battleground states. The sum of all fears in 2008? Hackable voting machines.

The right-wing campaign continues against TNR's Baghdad Diarist Private Scott Thomas Beauchamp for his portrayal of U.S. soldiers' cruelty to Iraqis, each other and even dogs. That no doubt cheered rooftop canine waterboarding enthusiast Mitt Romney as he embarked on his latest "average guy" makeover.

A new BBC documentary claims that George W. Bush's grandfather Prescott sought to overthrow FDR in 1933. JM Bell concludes the family's dictatorial tendencies skip a generation. Bush's words and deeds suggest not.

Conventional wisdom says the Hillary-Obama clash over rogue state diplomacy warms cold conservative hearts. But is their battle royale an opening for Al Gore or maybe just a museum?

While some scoff at Oscar the Kitty of Doom, others wonder if the Feline Grim Reaper has an ulterior motive. Meanwhile, Dood Abides reports "Death Cat Begins Gonzales Vigil."

Guest blogging the Round Up this week is Jon Perr from Perrspectives. Send your links, recommendations, comments and angst to mbr AT perrspectives DOT com.

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