Mike's Blog Round Up

Washington State Representative Jay Inslee leads the charge in Congress to impeach Washington DC pathological liar Alberto Gonzales. Dick Cheney retu

Washington State Representative Jay Inslee leads the charge in Congress to impeach Washington DC pathological liar Alberto Gonzales.

Dick Cheney returns to Larry King Live tonight for the first time since his 2005 declaration of the insurgency's "last throes." Meanwhile, faux war opponents Ken Pollack and Michael O'Hanlon argue the U.S. can still achieve "sustainable stability" in Iraq.

The captain of the victorious Iraqi soccer team wants America out of his country. Americans want the Iraqi parliament in session. And no one gets out of town more than President Bush.

George W. Bush's biggest fear about expanding SCHIP to provide health care coverage for more children? It might actually work. Texans, of course, have lived through this before.

In Alaska, Ted Stevens and Don Young may be taking the Bridge to Nowhere directly to jail. In Oregon, Gordon Smith has some fish tales to explain.

Divorced three times and estranged from his children, Rudy Giuliani of all people claims Democrats want to create a "nanny state." Back in New York, his successor Michael Bloomberg has a checkered past of his own. Elsewhere, the politics of cleavage claim another victim.

Guest blogging the Round Up this week is Jon Perr from Perrspectives. Send your links, recommendations, comments and angst to mbr AT perrspectives DOT com.

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