Jonah Goldberg Endorses Jim Crow
I swear he earns his nickname every single time he says anything. Oliver Willis: Why Is Jonah Goldberg A Complete Idiot? If you want to know one
I swear he earns his nickname every single time he says anything.
Why Is Jonah Goldberg A Complete Idiot?
If you want to know one big reason why the newspaper industry is in the toilet, look no further than the Los Angeles Times. After years of browbeating from well-financed conservatives about their "liberal bias", newspapers like the L.A. Times feel compelled to be "fair and balanced" by giving column inches in their paper to random conservative idiots who don't know dick. The L.A. Times decided to give their shingle to Jonah Goldberg, editor of the right-wing National Review. And so, in one of the major papers in the country, Goldberg is given lots of column inches to mull over the really brilliant idea that we ought to test people before they go to the polls.
Instead of making it easier to vote, maybe we should be making it harder. Why not test people about the basic functions of government? Immigrants have to pass a test to vote; why not all citizens?A voting test would point the arrow of civic engagement up, instead of down, sending the signal that becoming an informed citizen is a valued accomplishment.
Golly gee whillikers, Mistah Goldberg, why don't we have tests at the polls here in America? Although, I seem to remember a historical precedent for just such a thing. Why did this noble experiment not continue through until the modern day? Let's go on to the Internets and check it out. Oooh, here we go Mister Goldberg, here's the historical precedent for your idiotic moronic stupid-ass idea the Los Angeles Times printed up in a newspaper they actually sold to people for actual federally-backed U.S. currency: Read on...
Matt Ortega asks that if by his own definition, Jonah just declared himself unfit to vote.