Charlie Brown: A Green, Energy-Independent Military?

DailyKos: It is no secret that America's energy needs (i.e. oil) have played a significant role in U.S. foreign policy over the years, especially in


It is no secret that America's energy needs (i.e. oil) have played a significant role in U.S. foreign policy over the years, especially in the middle east.

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait in particular, rank #1, #3, #4, and #5 in the world respectively in terms of oil reserves.

Our military has fought wars and shed blood in this region. And our government has sold arms, invested billions of dollars, and turned a blind eye to regimes whose records on fighting terrorism, defending human rights, and fostering political stability---the very things the current administration claims we are fighting for in Iraq---are abysmal to say the least.

For these reasons, there is broad, bi-partisan consensus that energy independence is a matter of urgent national security.

The ultimate irony is that while our government has done almost nothing to ween America off oil, the military...yes the military...is actually moving towards energy independence. Read on...

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