Mike's Blog Round Up
Just days after President Bush admitted the failure of his "no safe havens for terrorists" policy, Barack Obama said he will attack Al Qaeda in Pakist
Just days after President Bush admitted the failure of his "no safe havens for terrorists" policy, Barack Obama said he will attack Al Qaeda in Pakistan if Pervez Musharraf won't. While Kevin Drum worries that's not feasible, Michelle Malkin just gets her hate on.
President Bush wants Congress to reform FISA ASAP. His preferred point man to oversee his expanded surveillance program? Alberto Gonzales.
A former Catholic turned evangelical supporter of Mike Huckabee attacks the former evangelical turned Catholic Sam Brownback. Meanwhile, Tom Tancredo wants to attack Mecca.
In Oregon, House Speaker Jeff Merkley jumps in the Senate race to replace Bush-enabler Gordon Smith. And in Texas, Lt. Colonel Rick Noriega shows John Cornyn what real war-time leadership looks like. Senate 2008 Guru has more.
While states are struggling to keep Ken Blackwell-style conflicts of interest out of elections, Georgia is moving ahead with its ID program to keep more residents out of the voting booth.
Dick Cheney finally admits the Iraq insurgents aren't in their "last throes," but probably still believes God will "roast their stomachs in hell."
Guest blogging the Round Up this week is Jon Perr from Perrspectives. Send your links, recommendations, comments and angst to mbr AT perrs.ectives DOT com.