The Company Bush Keeps

Oliver Willis noted, "Bush surrounds himself with this echo chamber in order to hear good things about himself, and not hear a single critical word ab

Oliver Willis noted, "Bush surrounds himself with this echo chamber in order to hear good things about himself, and not hear a single critical word about his failed presidency."

We've seen plenty of examples of this, but yesterday was a stark reminder. From Hugh Hewitt:

President Bush invited ten talk hosts into the Oval Office for an hour of conversation today --Glenn Beck, Bill Bennett, Neal Boortz, Scott Hennon, Laura Ingraham, Lars Larson, Mark Levin, Michael Medved, Janet Parshall and me.

It's quite a motley crew, isn't it?

And Democratic presidential candidates are supposed to avoid YearlyKos? While Bush is inviting these far-right voices into the White House for a chat?

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