Mike's Blog Round Up
hi kids! skippy the bush kangaroo here (sans capital letters; thanks nicole!) subbing for the blog round-up, so here goes: the repubs debated, romney
hi kids! skippy the bush kangaroo here (sans capital letters; thanks nicole!) subbing for the blog round-up, so here goes:
the repubs debated, romney was the nominal winner (and i tried my hardest to make a joke out of "romney" and "nominal" -- "rominal"?), but the fact remains, enthusiasm for republicans is low.
some people take issue with nytimes magazine's characterization of those who were against the war from the start.
whoops! where'd all those guns get to?
in case you were wondering, here's why i don't wear contact lenses, why i don't call myself a hero, and why i wouldn't whine about needing a vacation if i were in congress. oh, and happy birthday, us coast guard!
how's your mortgage doing? how about your credit rating? well, how about your paycheck?
ok, here's a quiz: which would be worse to be in aWol's america, the leaker in the gonzales-attorney firings, or a couple who hung the flag upside-down in protest? careful, it's a trick question!
that's it for today, kids! send your tips to skippybkroo at aol dot com, in blogtopia (and yes, i coined that phrase)!