AFL-CIO Presidential Forum: Emotional Question From Audience Member On Health Care

If this man's genuine passion and anguish doesn't move you, you're not human. Steve Skvara, a disabled, retired steel worker from Indiana tells the s

If this man's genuine passion and anguish doesn't move you, you're not human. Steve Skvara, a disabled, retired steel worker from Indiana tells the story of how he lost his family's health insurance after the company he worked for, for 34 years closed two years after they forced him to retire. Skvara received a standing ovation, and rightfully so. He represents millions of hard working Americans who have lost their jobs and benefits and face the humiliation of not being able to provide for themselves or their families. Can you imagine a Republican fielding a question like this?

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The question was directed toward John Edwards and his answer was passionate and on the money. Edwards vowed to stand up with the American people, calling for Universal health care for all.

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