President Bush Treated For Lyme Disease Last Year
Via Firedoglake: Via Atrios, this is just beyond weird: President Bush was treated for Lyme disease a year ago after developing a circular rash cha
Via Atrios, this is just beyond weird:
President Bush was treated for Lyme disease a year ago after developing a circular rash characteristic of the ailment, the White House announced yesterday.
Especially when you consider this:
The disease varies widely in its presentation, which may include a rash and flu-like symptoms in its initial stage, followed by the possibility of musculoskeletal, arthritic, neurologic, psychiatric and cardiac manifestations. In most cases of Lyme disease, symptoms can be eliminated with antibiotics, especially if treatment is begun early in the course of illness.
A percentage of patients with Lyme disease have symptoms that last months to years after treatment with antibiotics. These symptoms can include muscle and joint pains, arthritis, stiff neck, cognitive defects, neurological complaints or fatigue. The cause of these continuing symptoms is not yet known. There is some evidence that they may result from an autoimmune type of response, in which a person’s immune system continues to respond even after the infection has been cleared, as well as evidence of ongoing infection with the spirochete. (emphasis mine) Read more...
As much brush-clearing as George does this doesn't come as a surprise, but Lyme disease is no laughing matter. This should have been made known to the public and might also explain a few things about the president's behavior...