World's Worst: Keith Destroys FOX's John Gibson
FOX Opinion Channel's Resident Hack, John Gibson, gets Tuesday's top honor for hosting right-wing nutjob columnist Stu Bykofsky -- who called for ano
These people really do have no shame.
Update: John Amato: "I'm sure he'll call his pal Stu---maybe invite him over for a few drinks while they play "pick the American city" they hope will be attacked by terrorists. Now Gibson is crying with his producer named...get this..."Angry Rich"...because MM called them out on it. Count me in Gibby. Making fun of the horror Stewart felt was childish and mean."
Please be polite:
The John Gibson Show
1211 Avenue Of The Americas
18th Floor
New York, NY 10036-8701
Phone: (212) 301-3000