Melanie Morgan: "You're Going To Look Super In A Burka."

A video of Dick Cheney from 1994 has him contradicting himself about why we should or should not have gone into Iraq. On Friday's "Hardball" Melanie

hardball-morgan-cheney.jpg A video of Dick Cheney from 1994 has him contradicting himself about why we should or should not have gone into Iraq. On Friday's "Hardball" Melanie Morgan proves once again that she's willing to say anything or attack anyone to defend this administration when the "panel" of Morgan, CQ's Craig Crawford and Naomi Wolf from the American Freedom Campaign discuss the matter. Morgan tells Matthews that he's got a gleam in his eye and just wants to attack Cheney and tells Wolf she'll look great in a burka.

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John Amato: This is really starting to look like these irrational right winger talkers are actually afraid that a mass invasion is coming and Sharia law will be imposed in America. Read Roger Simon's piece for more...Terrorism is not taken lightly on the left, but we can defend our Constitution and protect ourselves at the same time. Is this just a talking point for Melanie? I wonder....

Morgan: You're gonna look great in a burka---you're going to look super in a burka.

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