Enough Of Alberto

Given that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' ongoing trouble with the truth made headlines again this week, and his record for dishonesty can now be

Given that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' ongoing trouble with the truth made headlines again this week, and his record for dishonesty can now be summarized into an impressive list, the NYT's Adam Cohen broaches a subject first raised by the Times' editorial board last month: impeaching the Attorney General.

Impeachment was one of the important checks and balances the founders built into the Constitution. At state ratification conventions, it was promoted as a tool for Congress to rein in any officeholder who “dares to abuse the power vested in him by the people.” Impeachment of Mr. Gonzales would fit comfortably into the founders’ framework. [...]

Congress has heard extensive testimony about how Mr. Gonzales’s Justice Department has become an arm of a political party, choosing lawyers for nonpartisan positions based on politics, and bringing cases — including prosecutions that have put people in jail — to help Republicans win elections.

Mr. Gonzales’s repeated false and misleading statements to Congress are also impeachable conduct.

At this point, even Fred Hiatt wants Gonzales gone.

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