Mike's Blog Round Up

The Washington Note: The US Afghan opium strategy: Eradicating any chance of stability Danger Room: Experts wonder if experts can be trusted Blue Gi

The Washington Note: The US Afghan opium strategy: Eradicating any chance of stability

Danger Room: Experts wonder if experts can be trusted

Blue Girl, Red State: Lt. Colonel Steven Jordan, the highest ranking member of the armed services to stand trial for the prisoner abuses at Abu Ghraib. He was not convicted of prisoner abuse, or of being a derelict officer. He was convicted of talking about what happened at the prison. BGRS also informs me that a group of progressive bloggers in Missouri have have recently launched a new site,  showmeprogress.com

The Opinion Mill: Why so glum, chum? It's Bushtemberfest!

Mad Kane's Political Madness: Limericks for GOP hypocrite, Senator Larry Craig

(Nicole: Our apologies for the delay in getting the Round Up published.  We've been experiencing technical difficulties.)

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