Mike's Blog Round Up

SteveAudio: Petraeus is blowing smoke out of his ass. And the only ones buying it are TeeVee talking heads, and the BushCo 28%. Interesting Times: "I

SteveAudio: Petraeus is blowing smoke out of his ass. And the only ones buying it are TeeVee talking heads, and the BushCo 28%.

Interesting Times: "Instructions" (yes, that was the word used) from the Office of the Vice-president to roll out a campaign for war with Iran in the week after Labor Day

The Moderate Voice: Built by imported workers on 42 hectares of land, nestled amongst burnt-out homes and shops wrecked by suicide bombs in Baghdad, a city in ruins. It's the new U. S. Embassy!

The Reaction: Part of an ongoing series on stories from around the world that deserve more attention than they are getting -- at least than they are getting here in North America.

Talking Points Memo: I know this might come as a shock to some Americans--namely, the 28%, Kool-Aid swilling zombies--but Chimpy's plan to assist homeowners who are poised to lose their homes in the midst of the nation's crunch and housing slump is very thin, leaves most affected homeowners behind, and duplicates efforts that are already underway. Some of us remember another one of his plans: His so-called 'ownership society' concept which, supposedly, encouraged Americans to 'buy' and 'own' their own houses.

Crooked Timber: Evil, capitalist airports

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