Breaking: B-52 Carrying 5 Nuclear Warheads Mistakenly Flew Across United States
From Americablog: CNN's Barbara Starr has been breathlessly reporting the news that a B-52, loaded with nuclear warheads, flew across the country la
CNN's Barbara Starr has been breathlessly reporting the news that a B-52, loaded with nuclear warheads, flew across the country last week -- without anyone's knowledge. It has caused quite a stir in the military. Starr reports that Bush had to be informed about the mistake. Here's an NBC report:
An Air Force squadron commander has been relieved of his command after five nuclear weapons were mistakenly loaded aboard a B-52 and flown cross-country from North Dakota to Louisiana last week, NBC News reported.
Five 150-kiloton warheads were attached to cruise missiles that were flown from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana to be dismantled, but they should have been removed, according to officials.
Military officials insist the warheads remained "under control" at all times and did not pose a danger.
That's comforting.
More information as it becomes available.