Bush Believed That There Were WMDs In Iraq Through 2006

It's been said before: "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt," but this might be a whole new low for delusional thinking.   ThinkProgress: In Oct.

It's been said before: "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt," but this might be a whole new low for delusional thinking.


In Oct. 2004, President Bush finally admitted that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction: "Iraq did not have the weapons that our intelligence believed were there."

Yet according to former White House chief of staff Andy Card, this statement was just rhetoric. In his new book on Bush, Robert Draper writes that the President continued to privately insist through April 2006 that Saddam had possessed weapons of mass destruction:

Bush, for his part, was not disposed to second-guessing. Througout 2006, he read historical texts relating to Lincoln, Churchill, and Truman - three wartime leaders, the latter two of whom left office to something less than public acclaim. History would acquit him, too. Bush was confident of that, and of something else as well. Though it was not the sort of thing one could say publicly anymore, the president still believed that Saddam had possessed weapons of mass destruction. He repeated this conviction to Andy Card all the way up until Card's departure in April 2006, almost exactly three years after the Coalition had begun its fruitless search for WMDs. [p. 388]

 Oh, help me.  Is he trying to lay a case for utter incompetency?  He certainly has me convinced.

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