Mike's Blog Round Up

Watching Those We Chose: A forthcoming book by a former head of the Attorney General's Office of Legal Counsel tells of Cheney Chief of Staff and Coun

Watching Those We Chose: A forthcoming book by a former head of the Attorney General's Office of Legal Counsel tells of Cheney Chief of Staff and Counsel, David Addington, pining away for another terrorist bombing of the United States so that the Administration can grab more power and  eviscerate the Fourth Amendment.

PERRspectives Blog: Bremer letters show Bush OK'd disbanding the Iraqi Army. So much for G-Dub's tall tale to Dead Certain biographer Robert Draper.

Veterans for Common Sense: In July, the Inspector General at the Department of Defense found several generals violated ethics rules for participating in the "Christian Embassy" fundraising and proselytizing video at the Pentagon during office hours among their subordinates. VCS has filed an ethics complaint against the VA's Daniel Cooper for his part in these violations.

BlogActive: An unsung hero in the Craig debacle puts hypocrites on notice...and some useful tips on explaining to kids about Republicans' 'Special Friends'..also, maybe this is the reason Craig is reconsidering his resignation from the Senate

Preemptive Karma: How dirty boys get clean

Mock, Paper, Scissors: Tengrain Presents...Pickles Von Strap-On in "Feminism"

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