Mike's Blog Round Up

Facing South: Working is more dangerous under BushCo. The Bush Administration's lack of regulation and increased attention to employer assistance and

Facing South: Working is more dangerous under BushCo. The Bush Administration's lack of regulation and increased attention to employer assistance and voluntary compliance comes at the expense of worker safety and health. Conversely, here's a politician with a long record of accomplishment with regard to working families.

Iowa Liberal: The blazing success of our Cuba policy

Harper's: Typical of the bone-headed analysis that underpins much of America's Middle East policy, which helps explains why our efforts continue to fail in the region.

Lawyers, Guns and Money: Until Bob Somerby gets a book contract, this fine Vanity Fair article on the history-changing media war on Al Gore will do.

The Democratic Daily: Meet the new "Baghdad Bob"

Pensito Review: Four more top GOP outings could be in the offing

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