Mike's Blog Round Up
Shakesville: Publicity shy, cave-dwelling killer Osama bin Laden, without a release for nearly three years, is scheduled to hit the charts again with
Shakesville: Publicity shy, cave-dwelling killer Osama bin Laden, without a release for nearly three years, is scheduled to hit the charts again with a new video in which he plans to show off a new beard style to go along with what many are calling a new "funky-fresh" call for Jihad.
Taylor Marsh: Carnage, Petreaus, and a secret report
onegoodmove: Some good reads for ya
Prairie Weather: Republicans aint doin' so good...gonna nommy-nate that moonshiner. Norbizness has a remix of the GOP primary debate
Firedoglake: Deliberate lies and manipulations
INSTAPUTZ: The brilliant Iraqi blogger, Riverbend, received horrible treatment at the hands of warbloggers. They'll be happy to know that she's fled to Syria.
Happy Blogiversary to The Strange Death of Liberal America