Mike's Blog Round Up

Horses Mouth: The wingnut media and bloggers are in a lather because Democrats are accurately describing the Iraq 'report' as the work of the White Ho

Horses Mouth: The wingnut media and bloggers are in a lather because Democrats are accurately describing the Iraq 'report' as the work of the White House. Jurassicpork has more from behind the paywall...

All Spin Zone: The man who has taken on both Fox News and Wal-mart is determined to debunk the 9/11 myths surrounding Rudy

Scott Horton: US Attorneys scandal--Milwaukee

The Newshoggers: There's a war-crimes trial going on in Croatia which illustrates why BushCo refused to recognize the International Court.

unbossed: Outsourcing oversight in Iraq?

skippy the bush kangaroo: Our bumblin', stumblin' moron-in-chief is an embarrassment. The Raw Story has video...

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