Boehner: U.S. Soldiers' Blood A "Small Price" To Pay In Iraq

(h/t Scarce for video) TPM captured this video from yesterday's Situation Room on CNN, where Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner makes the

(h/t Scarce for video)

TPM captured this video from yesterday's Situation Room on CNN, where Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner makes the stunning statement that the blood of American troops in Iraq is a "small price" to pay for the long term goals in the Middle East. I can assure the Republican Congressman, the tens of thousands of family members whose loved ones have spilled their blood in Iraq, whether dead or horrifically wounded in this tragedy, would not agree with that assessment -- and it's a safe bet the millions of Iraqis who have watched their family members being slaughtered and their country demolished would take exception as well.

John Kerry responds to Boehner's incredibly callous statement.

UPDATEHoward Dean demands an apology from Boehner

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