Mike's Blog Round Up

Ice Station Tango: When Admirals attack Generals. The Petraeus/Crocker hearings were merely justification to keep the feeding tube in the oughta-be co

Ice Station Tango: When Admirals attack Generals. The Petraeus/Crocker hearings were merely justification to keep the feeding tube in the oughta-be corpse. Bush's speech last night is just more bullshit rhetoric to prop up the body.

Tom Paine: What's an acceptable level of child mortality?

Bring It On! Within two years, technology will enable campaigns to customize their advertising to individual TV viewers simultaneously.  Then, they can be all things to all people

Jewcy.com: Howard Dean parties with 40,000 unindicted co-conspirators

Two excellent sites I feel compelled to recommend every so often are Watching America and Political Theory Daily Review--now under a new moniker, bookforum

HOLY CRAP: A week's worth of Religious Right insanity...Presidential candidates are being grilled by the media about their prayers, their sins, and their beliefs on religious doctrine.  Which brings us to Hillary's Prayer...A pastor in Australia who recently pled guilty to raping two of his teenage daughters said he only did it in order to teach them how to be good wives...The Pentecostal Church and the Holy Ghost want you to wear pig panties...Ben Stein attacks evolution and touts intelligent design in a new film due out next year...A tale of two museums...Scoobie Davis on Rev. Moon...An illicit love affair....Religion and liberalism...The addiction to the feeling of being righteous...State of Belief, religion and radio done differently.

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