Bill Kristol Approves Of Mukasey For AG

PNACer/Weekly Standard Editor/FOXNoise Regular Bill Kristol--whom we all know has a finger on the pulse of the White House--claims that President Bu

PNACer/Weekly Standard Editor/FOXNoise Regular Bill Kristol--whom we all know has a finger on the pulse of the White House--claims that President Bush will announce his nomination of Michael Mukasey for Attorney General, despite the fact that several names have been floated as leading contenders over the last two weeks.

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That William "The Bloody" is undisturbed by the nomination (other than the fact that he is respected by Schumer, god forbid) should send critically thinking progressives in the other direction.

However, looseheadprop at FDL and Glenn Greenwald point out that as far as conservatives go (and there's no chance Bush would nominate anything but a conservative), Mukasey may be the best we can hope for and that he's no "party over Constitution" idealogue. That may be, but I don't know that I'm ready to sing "Kumbaya" over his nomination either.

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