FNS: Freedom's Watch Ad: Good; MoveOn's Ad: Character Assassination

< Always quick to draw false equivalencies when none exists, FOXNews' Brit Hume rejects out of hand Juan Williams' comparison of Freedom's Watch'


Always quick to draw false equivalencies when none exists, FOXNews' Brit Hume rejects out of hand Juan Williams' comparison of Freedom's Watch's ad supporting the occupation using a Marine who lost a limb to MoveOn's Betray Us? ad.

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WILLIAMS: Well, I think a lot of Americans when they see the ads that come from Freedom's Watch, the group being run by Ari Fleischer, who used to be the President's Press Secretary. They say, "Oh my gosh, they're using Americans-injured American soldiers without their limbs-as props to say you must support the war. So don't you think the people on the left think somebody should be fighting back with the same kind of passion, the same kind of dirty, knuckle hardball that the right does? Then when the left does it, you say, "Oh you guys on the left..." [..]

HUME: You put that on the same plane with the kind of character assassination that was attempted against David Petraeus? You'd really do that, Juan?

Don't you love Hume's overly dramatic whisper that MoveOn accused Petraeus of "cooking the books"? Would that he would be so horrified by the lies that brought us to this unwinnable quagmire.

Full transcript below the fold

WILLIAMS: Well, I think a lot of Americans when they see the ads that come from Freedom's Watch, the group being run by Ari Fleischer, who used to be the President's Press Secretary. They say, "Oh my gosh, they're using Americans-injured American soldiers without their limbs-as props to say you must support the war. So don't you think the people on the left think somebody should be fighting back with the same kind of passion, the same kind of dirty, knuckle hardball that the right does. Then when the left does it, you say, "Oh you guys on the left..."


HUME: Let me see if I have this straight. Your view is that when wounded soldiers and say themselves that they support the cause over there...

WILLIAMS: Not all...not all soldiers say that...

HUME: I didn't say that...

WILLIAMS: The military is divided, much the way that America's divided...

HUME: Those who are saying that aren't saying all of them support it; they're saying they support it. You put that on the same plane with the kind of character assassination that was attempted against David Petraeus? You'd really do that, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I do not say it was a character assassination. I think what the MoveOn.org ad said are you being faithful with the American people or are you being faithful to your command to the president (? -ed. Crosstalk) who put you in this position after firing a whole other set of generals that he didn't like. Now he's picked one guy and he's invested in this man and this man's mission is to succeed on a military basis and not to speak of the lack of political success and the fact that we have been there for five or six years now and we seem to be on the way to ten years.

WALLACE: Brit, you get the last word and then we got to move to a commercial...

HUME: Juan, they accused the guy of cooking the books. That's not just raising questions about the policy.

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