Sen. Hagel On Real Time: Petraeus Dog And Pony Show "Dishonest, Hypocritical, Dangerous And Irresponsible"
Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel appeared on "Real Time" last night and had some tough words for the White House for "sending a military man to do a poli
Maher: Isn't a dirty trick on the American people when you send a military man out there to basically do a political sell-job?"
Hagel: It's not only a dirty trick, but it's dishonest, it's hypocritical, it's dangerous and irresponsible. The fact is this is not Petraeus' policy, it's the Bush's policy. The military is -- certainly very clear in the Constitution -- is subservient to the elected public officials of this country.. but to put our military in a position that this administration has put them in is just wrong, and it's dangerous."
Hagel's responses to Bill's questions were perhaps his strongest condemnation of the White House and this war yet. The truth is that President Bush had no choice but to make Petraeus the poster boy of The Surge; after years and years of misleading this country, his credibility is at zero and he needs someone with a seemingly objective and non-partisan record to do the political dirty work of selling the surge continuing the occupation. Absolutely shameful. As Hagel makes perfectly clear, the Republican Party will pay dearly for it.