Fred Thompson: "Give Her Jail Time"
Feministing: Since Anna Quindlen's piece came out asking "How much time should she do?", it looks like Fred Thompson apparently has an answer for
Since Anna Quindlen's piece came out asking "How much time should she do?", it looks like Fred Thompson apparently has an answer for that.
The presidential candidate was asked that very question while in Iowa last week, and answered that women shouldn't be criminalized if seeking abortion under the first three months of pregnancy. That's right, just the first three months. You second and third trimesters can all rot in jail.
He also said, authorities "can do whatever they want to with abortion doctors, as far as I'm concerned," but "if it comes down to giving criminal sanctions to a 19-year-old girl and her mama, I'm against that." Such consideration!
You got to love that compassionate conservatism, doncha?