Mike's Blog Round Up

Attytood: Right-wingers claim even the CIA is afraid to go out in Iraq without trigger-happy Blackwater at their back. But those same exact guys say t

Attytood: Right-wingers claim even the CIA is afraid to go out in Iraq without trigger-happy Blackwater at their back. But those same exact guys say the surge is working?

CorrenteWire: Yup. POTUS should hire OJ. Definitely.

Much That Is Hidden: Summing up the costs for the MoveOn debacle. Good thing MoveOn didn't ask the General's superior officer to do an ad--it might have had the headline, "ass-kissing little chickensh*t" which isn't as clever as "Be-Tray-Us".

Milk and Cookies: Monty Python vs. Tasered Student? Dang, it is about the "violence inherent in the system"...

Guest round up by Blue Gal, who still wonders about that woman at the Oprah/Obama thing and whether anyone had the heart to tell her about her shoes. Send tips to bluegalsblog AT gmail DOT com

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