FNS: William "The Bloody" Kristol Spews Some More
It's Sunday, so that means FoxNews will give William "The Bloody" Kristol another uninterrupted platform to slag on Democrats, and this time, Hill
It's Sunday, so that means FoxNews will give William "The Bloody" Kristol another uninterrupted platform to slag on Democrats, and this time, Hillary Clinton specifically.
It doesn't really matter the specific charges that Kristol alleges...no matter what is done or said, Kristol would find fault, or claim that he knows a Democrat's really good idea isn't really what he/she is going to do. The best part is when he sums it all up to proclaim that the Democrats are just all about partisan politics.
Um, yeah...what was that saying about the pot calling the kettle black, Mr. "I have a direct line to the White House, and I will make sure that Bush doesn't deviate from PNAC policies" Kristol?
Count how many ridiculous smears Kristol gets in...I got up to a neat dozen before I felt the urge to throw something at the screen.