Mike's Blog Round Up
I am very honored that Mike has asked me, noted conservative blogger Jon Swift, to fill his very big shoes and host this week's Blog Round Up. I'm not
I am very honored that Mike has asked me, noted conservative blogger Jon Swift, to fill his very big shoes and host this week's Blog Round Up. I'm not sure why he decided to reach across the aisle and choose a conservative like myself, though I imagine it must be extremely difficult to find liberals who are dependable enough to take on such a great responsibility. (If you are unfamiliar with my modest blog, here is a good place to start.)
But fear not, I am a very reasonable conservative, and instead of hitting you over the head with my ideology, I believe the subtle way I have arranged these links will convince you of the virtues of conservatism in the end.
One thing I have in common with many liberals is I just don't know what to say about this whole complicated Jena 6 situation so I would prefer to say nothing at all. But Kai at Zuky, Jill at Jack and Jill Politics, the Field Negro, the Thin Black Duke at Slant Truth and Elle seem to have plenty to say.
Dispatches from the Culture War tells you "How To Avoid Advancing the Gay Agenda." I plan to follow all of these recommendations.
Once you realize evolution is untrue, you start to doubt everything scientists tell us, such as whether the world is really round. Liberal Avenger finds some people who are keeping an open mind about the subject.
Electronic Village has posted a list of the "Top 10 Black Bloggers." Because I am completely colorblind I had no idea any of these bloggers were black.
Vidiot Speak concedes that Democrats will never beat Republicans. One reason might be, as Bark Bark Woof Woof points out, Republicans always stay one step ahead of Democrats in pioneering cutting-edge campaign tactics.
World-O-Crap introduces us to the work of Archibald P. Campbell, the genius behind the children's cartoon "Why Do the Terrorists Want To Hurt Me?" which I think every child should see.
Please send your tips to modestjonswift [at] gmail [dot] com. I will be using the very same stringent criteria used by the Bush Administration in hiring to decide what to link to, namely (in this order): 1) Nepotism (now is a good time to start that blog, Mom) 2) Cronyism 3) Bribery 4) Flattery and (in case of ties) 5) Quality of the candidate. And just as Fox News only features liberal pundits whom no one has ever heard of, I am going to try to link to smaller blogs rather than just to the usual suspects the way most liberal blogs do, with the notable exception of this blog, to which I am very grateful for inviting me to be a guest here this week.