Mike's Blog Round Up

skippy says the Luddites are in charge, but the nerds are angry and may get their revenge yet. Simply Left Behind analyzes the Bush Global Initiativ

skippy says the Luddites are in charge, but the nerds are angry and may get their revenge yet.

Simply Left Behind analyzes the Bush Global Initiative, which sounds much better than that other one.

Jurassicpork at Welcome To Pottersville wants to draft progressive bloggers. To run for office, that is. Oh, please don't put that idea in their heads. I beg you.

Friday cat blogging: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying on the battle over a cartoon cat.

Arrests for Marijuana were higher (heh-heh) last year than arrests for all violent crimes combined. The drug war surge is working!

Jason Chervokas and Lance Mannion type about the 50th anniversary of On the Road. Um, it's a book. You do read books, don't you? Neither do I.

This has been yet another Blog Round Up hosted by noted conservative blogger Jon Swift. Send your tips to me at modestjonswift [at] gmail [dot] com. You won't have me to kick around much longer.

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