PBS's NOW: Veterans And PTSD - Dealing With The Hidden Scars Of

NOW: For many Iraq and Gulf War veterans, the transition from battlefield to home front is difficult. Bouts of fierce anger, depression and anxiet


For many Iraq and Gulf War veterans, the transition from battlefield to home front is difficult. Bouts of fierce anger, depression and anxiety that previous generations of soldiers described as "shell shock" or "combat/battle fatigue" now earn a clinical diagnosis: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. But the relatively new medical label doesn't guarantee soldiers will get the care they need. On Friday, September 28 at 8:30 pm (check local listings), NOW looks at how America's newest crop of returning soldiers is coping with the emotional scars of war, and some new and innovative treatments for them.

NOW Online will reveal facts and figures about vets and PTSD, and offer resources for coping. Also, an interview with veterans advocate Paul Rieckhoff about the denial of veteran benefits, and a deeper look at this week's children's' health care bill debate.

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