Mike's Blog Round Up

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is Steven at The Opinion Mill, and I'll be piloting this daily roundup until Saturday. If you have any sugges

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is Steven at The Opinion Mill, and I'll be piloting this daily roundup until Saturday. If you have any suggestions for stops along the way, send them to me at steve[dot]theopinionmill[at]gmail[dot]com.

Now, fasten your seatbelts, please.

Lenin's Tomb has some information on a rebellion against a dictatorship that's not getting nearly as much coverage as the one in Burma.

Xpatriated Texan has some handy ideas for pro-choice bumper stickers for your car.

Mike Shapiro asks if it isn't time for city governments to tell arena-hungry sports teams to take their ball and go find somewhere else to play?

Philip Roth surveys the State of the Union and shows once again why he's America's greatest living writer.

Who's afraid of an oud player? The Salvation Army sure is if he's sponsored by a Palestinian group .

Digby asks: What kind of dolt could equate MoveOn.org with the GOP-linked Freedom's Watch and call them both "outsiders"? Hint: A dolt who writes for the Associated Press.

HOLY CRAP: Thank you, Jesus, for keeping all those troublesome black protesters in line down there in Jena. Now, can you do something about the crackers? Here's some howlers from the Bob Jones University Press textbook on biology. And when Jesus Whooper Janet Folger complains that FreaxNews, CNN and MSNBC ignored ignored the Values Voters Presidential Debate in rfavor of some Iranian guy with a hard to pronounce name, Bing says Cry me a river.

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