Mike's Blog Round Up

Once again, today's Blog Roundup is brought to you by Steven and the alert uniformed attendants at The Opinion Mill. Keep those digital cards and lett

Once again, today's Blog Roundup is brought to you by Steven and the alert uniformed attendants at The Opinion Mill. Keep those digital cards and letters coming to steve[dot]theopinionmill[at]gmail[dot]com. Excelsior, y'all.

Turns out that at Columbia University they just loves them some dictators. Considering who else was being greeted with open arms, it makes you wonder why Lee Bollinger was so eager to harsh out the vibe for Iranian President Unpronounceable.

Children's health? It's all just politics to this "moderate" Rethuglican.

Mark McDonald visits Wikipedia and finds yet another battle line in the endless conservative war against reality.

John Holbo tries to parse Michael Medved's views on slavery and ends up scratching his head. Field Negro cuts to the chase and reaches the conclusion that Medved is a racist winger hack with entirely too much company in the mainstream.

If you don't mind stepping away from political issues for a moment, here's one of the most poignant blog posts you'll ever read -- about a very human moment between a store employee and a customer with a very personal question.

THE BOOK NOOK: Unfortunately for Clarence Thomas, his whiny, petulant, foot-stamping tantrum of a memoir is coming out the same time as Jeff Toobin's Supreme Court book The Nine, in which we learn that even Antonin "Evil Genius" Scalia considers Thomas more than a bit of a flake. How long before the Thomas book turns up as a $1 giveaway from NewsMax?

HOLY CRAP: Rudy and Jesus, not so perfect together. Neocons and Christianist nutters, perfect together. Here's a Garden State winger who has his own ideas about other people's families (gays, needless to say, are not invited). And the Dominionists threw themselves a party in Salt Lake City -- are you wondering why you weren't invited?

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